17 April 2010

Lazy Saturday...

This day is way too sunny and enchanting for me to fritter my time away baking. Please watch for the Trailblazer cookie recipe to be posted some other week!  Besides that, my Hubby picked up donuts this morning to go with our coffee, and there's simply a limit to how many desserts we should consume in one day.

My dear friend, Cherrie, paid me a lovely compliment about this blog.  She told me Dinner Table Musings is inspiring her to take her cooking to new heights!  "I don't look at chicken breasts the same old way," she remarked, and shared her recent original cooking experience.  She sauteed a little garlic and spinach and bacon, then stuffed chicken breasts with it - along with some cheese and plenty of lime-pepper.  Next she covered it with a creamy white sauce and baked it to perfection.  Oh, baby!  Here's hoping she'll share her recipe with us at Dinner Table Musings sometime soon.

And that's what it's all about, my cooking friends.  Find joy in fixing a meal.  Be inspired to explore new ingredients.  Discover your own artful ways to express yourself through meal prep! And watch your cooking attitude shift from necessary to nurturing as you feed your family well, with all the love in your heart.

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