14 April 2010

Eat Whole Foods

Here's a crazy idea: 75 percent of your food should be real, whole food.

Ideally, it should all be fresh and real!  Realistically, that doesn't fit with our culture or the hectic pace we keep.  The sad truth is that many of us don't consistently come close to the "5 a day for better health" challenge to consume fresh fruits and vegetables.  Think about it - if we are consuming heavily processed foods that are stripped of natural benefits and laden with artificial flavors, chemicals and preservatives- how can we expect to maintain good health?  Eating foods in their natural state, or as close to that as possible, ensures that our bodies will get a variety of vitamins, nutrients, phytonutrients, micro nutrients...and so on.  This week, peel an orange instead of popping open those Pringles.  Choose a juicy apple over pie.  Eat a bowl of oatmeal instead of a sugary granola bar.  Give your bod the building blocks it needs to keep on truckin' for years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! And the best way to do this is to not buy any processed foods. We eat a whole lot less sugar when cookies have to be made from scratch than if Oreos or Little Debbies were in the pantry.


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