Caprese Salad is a thing of true beauty. The red tomato contrasts with the milky fresh mozzarella and the particular snappy taste of Basil takes it to another appealing dimension.
My recipe is not exact; you will need to use your instincts a little as you prepare the dressing. Those of you who are natural, soulful cooks are doing this one can stop you! But those of you who are measurement-reliant will need to break out of your comfort zone and cut those apron strings. It's okay to splash on some vinegar and drizzle an indeterminate amount of olive oil. This is a safe exercise! A pinch of salt, a turn or two of the pepper grinder - it's easy. You cannot mess your salad up by donning an adventurous spirit.
Spinach Salad Caprese
an original recipe by Kelly Jo Vanderstelt
1. Place a big handful - or two - of fresh Spinach on a large plate or platter.
2. Layer around the perimeter of the plate continuously:
- Tomatoes, sliced into wheels about 1/4" thick
- Fresh Mozzarella, sliced about 1/4" thick (can be found already pre-sliced, check on label)
- A fresh Basil Leaf
3. When your tomato-mozzarella-basil ring is complete, add the following onto the spinach leaves in the center:
- Black Olives, sliced
- More Tomato, diced
- Chopped Basil Leaves
- Anything else that appeals to you, such as sliced green onions, diced cucumber or zucchini, etc.
4. Dress it to perfection:
- Splashes of Balsamic Vinegar
- Drizzled Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Garlic Salt
- Freshly Ground Pepper
- A pinch of dried Oregano
You've got me longing for my tomato plants to start bearing fruit...