28 April 2010

Toilet Paper, Apples and Bananas

Recently ran into my good friend Tracy while shopping at Walmart.  While we're on the subject, let me say, Walmart may as well charge admission for stepping foot in the place.  I'm sure I've never spent less than $30, even when "running in for a just few things."  That day, my list of twelve items escalated into an $83 price tag.

Anyway, Tracy spied me in the paper goods aisle staring at napkins.  I was in a deep zone of concentration, assessing per-napkin cost and debating between brands, and didn't even notice her presence.  It's usually great to run into a friend (as long as my hair isn't looking too stupid!) but I nearly jumped out of my skin when she made a loud off-hand remark about the high prices these days. 

When I recovered from my surprise, we made small talk for several minutes, discussing everything from church news to toilet paper.  Apparently they are a Charmin family.  We are Scott people (although Hubby complains from time to time if I forget to buy the softer version of Scott.  The regular kind is too scratchy, "feels like cardboard," he claims.  He's awfully tender.)

During our chat, I took note of two heaps of bananas and a big bag of apples in Tracy's cart.  This was impressive to me.  When I remarked upon it, she said she eats an apple and a banana every day.

The old adage about keeping the doctor away is a true thing.  

My friend is fit and healthy, an excellent example that inspires me.  When we parted company, I headed straightaway to the produce section and snagged my own bunch of bananas and apples.  This week I'm determined to follow her lead and eat whole fruit for my snacks.

Care to join me?

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm supposed to eat a banana a day due to my hypothyroidism - they are high in potassium. I have to agree with your friend though - Charmin all the way.


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